cs animatic development

After the tutorial, I updated some content of the animatic. This is the ver 2 animatic.https://vimeo.com/414478558

I add the scene that she is writing music. But if I draw the composition like this it’s very hard to connect with the later part so I may change the composition. And I was recommended to have a look at Oskar Fischinger’s works which is really inspired. He made the music visible through the changing of different geometric shapes. This is what I would love to do at the end of my work. The girl is listening to music, her expression will be soft and gentle, and a lot of shapes and pattern is moving with the music.

And come to the part where she is swallowed by the bad mood. I made some changes to this part. Because the old one is hard to link with the front frame.

The front frame
old version

About the colour tone. Firstly I was thinking to use the cold tone colour to express the panic of the character. like this:

I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to make this scene lose all the colours become to the simple tone which I think maybe more effective to show her feelings.

new version

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