Black and unknown

The idea came up with my own experience. I am the person really easy to be scared and the interesting thing is I am so addictive into the horror story. I always think too much because of the movies or horror stories that I watched before. Especially someplace with no light on like the deep sea, a dark room with a mirror on the wall, a door opening a little and no one know what’s inside of it…

Then I realized why they are so scared because I don’t know what happens in that place. My imagination creates too many things for me. So the most horrible thing for me is the unknown and I am so curious about it as they said: Curious kill the cat. I would love to express this kind of conflict feeling through this story.

The man in my story is just like myself. He is afraid of the black hole where he can find everywhere and he can’t help looking at it. But I don’t want this story to be a complete horror one and I may add some black humour into it.

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