The bathroom

I watched this shower scene which in the film Psycho that Steve recommended.

This film was shot in 1970 and this part is so classic horror style.

The first scene is the woman writing something. This part is quiet and peaceful.

And she decided to go to the shower and enjoying the hot water. This place is already made me feel uncomfortable although the character is relaxed and happy. Because she is staying in a narrow place with a shower curtain.

Then a shadow shows behind the curtain and getting closer and closer. This is what I will imaging when I bathing. I like this angle because the audience knows what going to happen except the woman.

And the killer with knife open the curtain and attacking her.

This part is showing that this woman is badly injured indirectly. We can’t see the wound on her body, only the blood floating into water. It’s different from the recent films, they always would love to show the wound so close to real that to make the audience excited. But I prefer this way it is an advanced method.

Here comes to my favourite part. After the woman falls down, the camera move to the hole in the bathtub. We can see the blood floating down with water. And camera zoom in, the black hole getting closer and transfer to the eye of this woman. It’s really a nice design for me. When the camera zooms into the hole I feel scared because it’s so dark in the hole seems can absorb everything, especially it appears after the murder. It increased the atmosphere of terror. And then it links with her eyes – without moving and life.

And we see her face with fear.

The director really good at creating the atmosphere, I could use this part for reference for the end of my black hole story which I think is the most creepy part. When the character finally looks into the hole on the can, he will flow into the hole like water, like the hole is absorbing him in. I think it’s kind of the emphasis for the strange power that the black hole has, and the character is finally trapped in the endless dark. It’s more terrifying than he thought there were monsters in it.

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