Style references

I really love this crazy animation series’s style. With exaggerated expression and body move. It perfectly matches the topic of this animation. I think the HOLE story is a crazy one too, may suitable for this style.

And about the outline. I don’t want it to be completely clean. The line like a draft may be more active. Considering this story may have a lot of running or some big moves, so, multiple outlines will have more sense of movement.

In pour 585, I like the outline of the characters. It helps a lot when the character moving.

Another Japanese animation Mob Psycho 100 has really nice fighting scenes. The multiple outlines is very effective to show power and speed.

This is the character design of my work. Because the design of his arms and legs are all very thin, I think the multiple outlines may help following the track of his limbs’ moving and shape-changing. It could be very elastic and exaggerate. And about his face design. I try to make every feature big and obvious to express his feeling more clear.

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