Abstract art

Some shares about abstract artworks. This exhibition reminds me of our JTU project although we are not doing it in this kind of style. I admit that although I tried hard to understand these works is not an easy thing, I only can get some inspiration from the surface of these works like the style, colour, composition and painting skills.

The streamline of these human bodies is very active and beautiful. It is hard for me to draw the human body with a sense of relaxing. I always make the outline very stiff. And the colour they use is really harmonious although including various colours. I think to some extent it depends on the area that the main colour took, that could set the colour tone for the whole work.

This work is the most interesting one in the exhibition. I stand in front of this work for a long time because of the abundant content this work including. I think abstract arts is not necessary to have an exact meaning, everybody could have different thoughts about it and this is the feature of it.

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