Animating work of CS project

Some animating work based on the established part of animatic .

This is the beginning scene. The interesting thing is these two parts including the animation principle exercise that we did the last term. The lip-synch exercise is really helpful at that time so it’s not that difficult for me to draw this one. This is a side face and only had the head in the scene which is easier than the previous work I did.

previous lip-synch work

The walking part is not smooth enough and the character doesn’t go back to the starting point.It’s an unsuccessful loop needs to be improve.

And about this part, I already did some keyframes before but when I work on it I still need to record a video of my self. I try to bring her feelings to my mind like what I did during the LAS course and finally get a good one to use. I think the moment that she takes her hand out of the pocket is an important point. It’s a starting of the movement that she turns around and at this time her arms form a trace line of her body which I think worth to focus on.

old one
new one

Aubrey Beardsley exhibition

He is such a talented and excellent artist. His style is still popular even in the present day I think. He is the master of designing the layout of illustration with putting so many elements in one work and make them together in his style. The using of the line in his work is the most charming part for me. It’s clean and powerful. And the different density of these lines formed a strong style of decorative painting

This is the illustration he made for the Le Morte d’Arthur and which is the start of his career. He was only 20 at that time. I was immediately attracted by this work.

Every corner in his work is full of details and design.

This work is made after he read the script of Salome. This illustration to some extent promotes the publishing of the English version of this script. And I found the second version on the internet that he created based on the old one. This one is more concise and skilful.

And not only this one. This kind of design shows a lot in his later works, the use of blank is to make the picture more modality and unique. I feel that in the present day, A lot of designers will do the same thing as well. But he did it in the 19th century. His untimely death is a big loss for the illustraion.