Review of the CS project progress

Start with the recently changes of animatic. I mainly changed the half-later part.

This is the first version of this part.


Then I decided to emphasis how the music treats and helps her. It’s not enough to only show her expression. So I let the strings appears from her ears and with the moving of it the shadow disappears. Then she stands up and pats the dirt off her body. I want to express she is not afraid anymore, the pressure and scare leave her just like the dirt she just patted off.


This is the third version. I add the scene that she is writing music and also change the camera angle to make this scene not too simple. I prefer not to let the character stay in the middle of the background all the time.


Some keyframes of the bullying scene. I considered a lot about this part. I don’t want to show the violence elements so I focus on the shape-changing about character’s body. She becomes soft like a sponge, easily shaped and vulnerable.

Also I finished some animation of character. These three scene are simpler relatively.

About the background, I may not change it a lot, the problem is how the people fade when the character walking on the street and how bullying people appear and disappear. I think I should work on it first and then finish the rest animation of the character.

Grad film idea development

I have two ideas about graduation film so far. One is the story that happened after a man’s death and another one this the black hole story I did before. After the discussion with Clare, we both think that the first story is a bit well-known so I may continue with the black hole story.

This idea didn’t choose by the LIAF team but I really want to develop this idea. Clare helps me a lot to make this story more reasonable and the structure more clear. First, the character needs to discover his fear of the holes( although it’s all his illusion). At first, I’m thinking about letting something getting out of the hole in the sink.

But I should keep working on this part to make it more convincing. Why he feels that there is something inside the hole. This part is too simple and no reason.

And then he flees his house, then he begins to see holes everywhere. The anxious and fear is building. And he finds that fill the holes could help him have the sense of relief( I think this part is the climax of the story), he starts to do crazy things. About this part, I think I could add something interesting. Clare advised me to make a montage of scenes at this place and I think it will have a really strong visual impact. In this part, the most important thing is to let manic feeling build step by step instead of release suddenly.

Finally, he back home sitting on the sofa. This part should be very slow because a very intense part just finished. Everything seems peaceful at this moment until his eyes fall on the hole on the can he is holding. He didn’t escape this time and this hole is like magical, attracting him staring at it. I think the audience would like to know what exactly exists in the hole at this moment. And he sees another person in the hole and staring at him and suddenly everything surrounding him is like a whirlpool turning him around and around. When it stops, this man finds that he becomes the person who stays in the hole.

And about the character in the hole, at first, I thought it will look the same with the man. Clare suggested it could be a different character. I think it to some extent could avoid the confusion between these two characters so I may change it looks.