Review of the CS project progress

Start with the recently changes of animatic. I mainly changed the half-later part.

This is the first version of this part.


Then I decided to emphasis how the music treats and helps her. It’s not enough to only show her expression. So I let the strings appears from her ears and with the moving of it the shadow disappears. Then she stands up and pats the dirt off her body. I want to express she is not afraid anymore, the pressure and scare leave her just like the dirt she just patted off.


This is the third version. I add the scene that she is writing music and also change the camera angle to make this scene not too simple. I prefer not to let the character stay in the middle of the background all the time.


Some keyframes of the bullying scene. I considered a lot about this part. I don’t want to show the violence elements so I focus on the shape-changing about character’s body. She becomes soft like a sponge, easily shaped and vulnerable.

Also I finished some animation of character. These three scene are simpler relatively.

About the background, I may not change it a lot, the problem is how the people fade when the character walking on the street and how bullying people appear and disappear. I think I should work on it first and then finish the rest animation of the character.

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