Style references

I really love this crazy animation series’s style. With exaggerated expression and body move. It perfectly matches the topic of this animation. I think the HOLE story is a crazy one too, may suitable for this style.

And about the outline. I don’t want it to be completely clean. The line like a draft may be more active. Considering this story may have a lot of running or some big moves, so, multiple outlines will have more sense of movement.

In pour 585, I like the outline of the characters. It helps a lot when the character moving.

Another Japanese animation Mob Psycho 100 has really nice fighting scenes. The multiple outlines is very effective to show power and speed.

This is the character design of my work. Because the design of his arms and legs are all very thin, I think the multiple outlines may help following the track of his limbs’ moving and shape-changing. It could be very elastic and exaggerate. And about his face design. I try to make every feature big and obvious to express his feeling more clear.

The bathroom

I watched this shower scene which in the film Psycho that Steve recommended.

This film was shot in 1970 and this part is so classic horror style.

The first scene is the woman writing something. This part is quiet and peaceful.

And she decided to go to the shower and enjoying the hot water. This place is already made me feel uncomfortable although the character is relaxed and happy. Because she is staying in a narrow place with a shower curtain.

Then a shadow shows behind the curtain and getting closer and closer. This is what I will imaging when I bathing. I like this angle because the audience knows what going to happen except the woman.

And the killer with knife open the curtain and attacking her.

This part is showing that this woman is badly injured indirectly. We can’t see the wound on her body, only the blood floating into water. It’s different from the recent films, they always would love to show the wound so close to real that to make the audience excited. But I prefer this way it is an advanced method.

Here comes to my favourite part. After the woman falls down, the camera move to the hole in the bathtub. We can see the blood floating down with water. And camera zoom in, the black hole getting closer and transfer to the eye of this woman. It’s really a nice design for me. When the camera zooms into the hole I feel scared because it’s so dark in the hole seems can absorb everything, especially it appears after the murder. It increased the atmosphere of terror. And then it links with her eyes – without moving and life.

And we see her face with fear.

The director really good at creating the atmosphere, I could use this part for reference for the end of my black hole story which I think is the most creepy part. When the character finally looks into the hole on the can, he will flow into the hole like water, like the hole is absorbing him in. I think it’s kind of the emphasis for the strange power that the black hole has, and the character is finally trapped in the endless dark. It’s more terrifying than he thought there were monsters in it.

some colour references

I recently interested in it this kind of high contrast and bright colour style. I think it’s really hard to control and sometimes the background will be messy because of the high colour saturation. But I would like to try something else because the colour tone of the Children’s Society project I did before is very simple and low brightness. So I use this style to finish the background design of the HOLE story.

I think the point is, make sure that the scene only has two contrast colour, and set one of the colours is the main colour tone. Then use the colours having the same temperature as the main colour to create things. Because I only use two contrast colour so the hue won’t be too complex.

Black and unknown

The idea came up with my own experience. I am the person really easy to be scared and the interesting thing is I am so addictive into the horror story. I always think too much because of the movies or horror stories that I watched before. Especially someplace with no light on like the deep sea, a dark room with a mirror on the wall, a door opening a little and no one know what’s inside of it…

Then I realized why they are so scared because I don’t know what happens in that place. My imagination creates too many things for me. So the most horrible thing for me is the unknown and I am so curious about it as they said: Curious kill the cat. I would love to express this kind of conflict feeling through this story.

The man in my story is just like myself. He is afraid of the black hole where he can find everywhere and he can’t help looking at it. But I don’t want this story to be a complete horror one and I may add some black humour into it.